Approved Examiners

All Dan/ Poom promotion tests conducted regionally must contain at least 3 examiners including:

One lead examiner who is a Kukkiwon 6th Dan or higher certificate holder, who has registered and appears on the published approved list of Lead Examiners below.

At least a further 2 examiners of 5th Dan* or higher holding recognised National or Kukkiwon certification**

*Panels will need to hold a minimum of 3 x 6th Dan Examiners with the Lead Examiner holding a Kukkiwon 6th Dan for promotion of candidates to 5th Dan

**Panels may be made up of more than 3 Examiners and hosts can invite 4th Dan grades to sit on the panel to gain experience of promotion testing, as long as the minimum requirements of panel make up are met

Please have a copy of these examiners certificates ready to upload as part of the sanction application process. (This requirement will be replaced in time with an approved list of registered panel members)

Responsibility of the Host

  • Club or group hosts wishing to secure the services of a lead examiner must make contact with an approved examiner from the approved list and agree terms before putting them forward as lead examiner for a grading.
  • When terms are agreed, Lead Examiners should give hosts their name as it appears on the list, Kukkiwon rank and approved examiner number.

Responsibility of Lead Examiners

It is the duty and responsibility of a designated Lead Examiner to ensure and apply rigorous standards to the promotion test, in line with Kukkiwon requirements.

The Lead Examiner is responsible for:

  • Checking the eligibility of each candidate to ensure they are eligible to take the test and grade applied for.
  • All communication and validation of results.
  • Applying for Kukkiwon certification within 10 days of conducting a promotion test, via the UK Kukkiwon Office, providing a prompt and efficient service to hosts and candidates without delay.

(Failure to provide an efficient service to hosts may result in the removal of an examiner from the approved examiner list)

Apply to become an Approved Examiner

To become a Examiner and be placed on the list of approved examiners please click the button below to register.  Please ensure you have a copy of your Kukkiwon certificate for 5th Dan or higher to upload with your application.

(Note: For British Taekwondo clubs hosting a Regional Dan promotion test, all candidates must be British Taekwondo members and all examiners must be current British Taekwondo members with indemnity insurance & DBS / PVG / AccessNI)