Submit candidate list for pre-test check
All Dan/ Poom promotion test hosts / Lead Examiner must submit a list of the candidates taking the test to the UK Kukkiwon Office at the very latest 1 week before the grading date.
This is to ensure membership & insurance are in place to protect candidates, examiners and hosts alike*.
It can also flag any eligibility or administration issues before the test takes place.
Failure to check candidates eligibility and submit a list may result in test results being invalidated and the hosts no longer able to apply to host in the future.
Hosts / Lead Examiners should receive confirmation of check at least 2 days before the test – if this has not been received, please contact
(Note: For British Taekwondo clubs hosting a Regional Dan promotion test, all candidates must be British Taekwondo members and all examiners must be current British Taekwondo members with indemnity insurance & DBS / PVG / AccessNI)