Technical Standards & Resources

Hosts and Examiners are responsible for providing a well organised, fair and transparent testing experience for candidates.

High Technical Standards and Assessment

Clubs and Masters conducting promotion tests do have slightly different training and assessment methodology based on their historical Taekwondo roots.

Candidates and their Instructors should always check with the Lead Examiner of a promotion test in advance, what the testing syllabus and assessment criteria will be to ensure a fair and transparent experience.

Following Kukkiwon basic requirements, an assessment based on the performance and quality of Poomsae (Forms), Basic Technique and Kyorugi (Sparring) must be the base line requirement.

Other testing criteria, such as step sparring and breaking can be included, if the Lead examiners and/or club host wishes, and has communicated these requirements to candidates well in advance of any test.

The UK Kukkiwon Office is developing a range of technical guidance for instructors and examiners to help establish good quality and common standards across the UK.

These pages will expand with resources as they come on stream including:

  • Dan / Poom Grade training syllabuses for each rank
  • Dan / Poom Grade testing syllabuses for each rank
  • Promotion Test marking systems
  • Videos & Teaching Aids
  • And a lot lot more………..keep checking these pages for updates

Approved Kukkiwon Poomsae

Kukkiwon have produced a set of helpful videos demonstrating high standard Poomsae for 1st Poom/Dan to 5th Dan. Click on the individual links for each Poomsae.

Basic Movements Sequence

Poomsae for Dan grades

Poomsae for Kup Grades